Utayan  Ponnuthurai

Utayan Ponnuthurai

Broker of Record

HomeLife/Champions Realty Inc., Brokerage*

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About Utayan Ponnuthurai, Broker of Record

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Utayan Ponnuthurai

Broker of Record

Utayan Ponnuthurai graduated with a Bachelors of Computer Science from University of Toronto. He started off as a Software Developer and decided to expand his knowledge and choice of career. When he decided to join the Real Estate industry in 2003, he started off as a Salesperson and worked way up, becoming a Broker and one of of the top producers for over 10 consecutive years. Now he has gained the title 'Broker of Record' and is the owner of HomeLife/Champions.


Utayan's goal as Broker of Record is to expand and grow the company, recruit more agents, and serve our community continuously with 5 Star Service.

To see my active Listings, please visit: www.TorontoRealHome.ca

Designation: Bsc(Hons)
Education: University of Toronto <Toronto>

Carleton University < Ottawa>

Lester B. Pearson C.I < Toronto >

Major in Business & Computer Science.
Languages: English
Speciality: Residential & Commercial
Area Covered:

GTA and Surroundings

Awards: Top 5% Home Life Canada; # 1 Producer of HL Champions Realty Inc. ( 2004 to 2014)
Experience: 15

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